Dairy-Free Blueberry Muffin Smoothie

16 ounces
6 min

This Dairy-FreeBlueberry Muffin Smoothie is a satisfying start to your day. Full of healthy antioxidants and 10 grams of protein. Healthy fat and carbs to fuel your morning and delicious flavor that includes an exciting boost thanks to organic cake batter flavor concentrate. It really tastes like you're drinking a blueberry muffin! Try my simple recipe today for a sensational flavor change to your morning smoothie. (See nutritional information in the recipe card in blog.)

For this delicious recipe and many more, visit:    www.inspirationapron.com and subscribe for FREE recipes, crafts, healthy living tips and more!


Optional garnish: Milled flax seeds, shredded coconut and extra blueberries

Add ingredients, in order, to a smoothie cup and blend using smoothie setting.

Alternatively, add all ingredients to a blender and pulse a few times, then blend on high for at least one minute, or until smooth.

Pour in your glass and add optional garnish and enjoy immediately.

Do your part to help the environment by using paper or reusable straws! Small steps make a big difference.

Enjoy! ...and find lots more delicious smoothies on my blog by clicking website link or visit: www.inspirationapron.com

Dairy-Free Blueberry Muffin Smoothie
Recipe details
  • 16  ounces
  • Prep time: 5 Minutes Cook time: 1 Minutes Total time: 6 min
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  • 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
  • 1/2 cup vanilla coconut milk yogurt alternative
  • 2 tbsp plant-based cream cheese alternative
  • 2 tbsp PB2 powdered almond butter
  • 1 tbsp milled flax seeds
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • 1/8 tsp Nature’s Flavors Organic Cake Batter Flavor Concentrate
  • Optional garnish: Milled flax seeds, shredded coconut and extra blueberries

Add ingredients, in order, to a smoothie cup and blend using smoothie setting. (Alternatively, add all ingredients to a blender and pulse a few times, then blend on high for at least one minute, or until smooth.)
Pour in your glass and add optional garnish and enjoy immediately.
  • Note: The nutritional information provided on this page is automatically generated by FoodTalk and cannot be edited. Please visit original recipe post on my blog at: www.inspirationapron.com for correct values located on recipe card at bottom of page. Thanks for your understanding.
Julie | Inspiration Apron
Want more details about this and other recipes? Check out more here!
  • the carbohydrates in your nutritional values are very incorrect ! 1 cup of blueberries alone have 21 carbs ! you might want to figure them again for people that count their carbs for being diabetic or weight !

    • Hi Stephanie,

      Thanks for pointing that out...I didn't realize that FoodTalk was automatically filling in the nutritional information. If you read the first paragraph of this article, I clearly state that the nutritional information for this recipe is located on the recipe card on my blog and I provided that link in the next paragraph to: https://www.inspirationapron.com/drinks/blueberry-muffin-smoothie

      If you don't won't to go to my blog, see the information below.

      My nutritional information is as follows:

      Calories 365

      Fat 13g

      Carbs 55g

      Sugar 33g

      Protein 10g

      Sodium 339mg

      Note: Nutritional values may vary depending on brands and sizes of ingredients that you use.
