Watermelon Papaya Smoothie Bowl (Vegan)

2 servings
5 min

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A creamy, refreshing, healthy, easy and TASTY Watermelon Papaya Smoothie Bowl ripe for the toppings of your choice! This smoothie bowl has a thick ice cream texture and summer ready tropical flavor! Gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan, nut-free, soy-free and refined sugar-free.

I don't know about you, but smoothie bowls bring out the child-like inner creative artist in me. I love their ease and their beauty.

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This particular smoothie bowl was inspired by my recently acquired coconut bowls (thank you, Coconut Bowls!). Are they not the most beautiful and eco-friendly little things?!

Recipe Features

  • Super thick & creamy and 'ice cream-like'.
  • Refreshing, soothing, and hydrating.
  • A tropical delight for the senses.
  • Ridiculously easy to make.
  • Easily customizable.
  • Healthy and chock-full of antioxidants.
  • Vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free, soy-free, nut-free, and no sugar added.

How-to Make Smoothie Bowls

All you need to do to make a wonderful smoothie bowl is throw a few frozen ingredients into a blender or food processor, pour it into a bowl and top to your heart's content. They truly are easy, healthy and delightfully customizable!

Top Tips

For the key ice cream-like texture, make sure you use all frozen fruit for best results.

If you aren't dairy-free or vegan, you can use regular milk or cream to replace the plant-based milk.

This smoothie bowl is naturally sweet as-is, but for extra decadence throw a few tablespoons of maple syrup in the mix or top with chocolate chips before serving.

More Delicious Frozen Treats

Mint Chocolate Freezer Fudge

Double Coconut Caramel Cookie Dough Ice Cream (Vegan)

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This is one of my favorites! The texture and flavor is truly quite superb. I so hope you enjoy it, too!

Enjoy. xo.

Watermelon Papaya Smoothie Bowl (Vegan)
Recipe details
  • 2  servings
  • Prep time: 5 Minutes Cook time: 0 Minutes Total time: 5 min
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  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 cup frozen chopped papaya
  • 1 cup frozen chopped watermelon
  • 5 tablespoons plant-based milk
  • toppings of choice see Notes

In a food processor or high-speed blender combine all of the above ingredients.
Pulse until broken down, and then blend on high until smooth and fluffy (about 3-4 minutes).
Scoop into a bowl and then top with a variety of fresh fruit & seeds, or toppings of your choice.
  • Toppings as shown: fresh watermelon, passion fruit, blackberries, Go Raw's Sprouted Watermelon Seeds, poppy seeds, Your Super Forever Beautiful Superfood Powder, fresh mint leaves.
  • Check out our August Produce Guide!
  • You might also like: How to Make an Acai Bowl.
Kristen Wood
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